IASK - International Association of Specialized Kinesiologists

We are working together to create an association for Specialized Kinesiologists all over the world who love their work and want to share it with others. If this describes you and you’d like to help make a difference in the world,
IASK was founded in the USA in 1987 with the idea of creating a worldwide organization for everybody working with the art of muscle testing / muscle monitoring. IASK is YOUR organization.
As a group of IASK members wrote at the General Meeting in 2000 in Holland: “The abundance of knowledge and experience worldwide can, through sharing, become an invaluable source of productivity and creative growth. The members of IASK inspire and enrich each other in their own personal development and professional work.”
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you and your friends as members.
In the conduct of my business, I, as an IASK Member, commit to the following Principles:
I work with my clients in integrity and uphold professional confidentiality.
I do not diagnose, prescribe or treat unless I have a license to do so.
I use muscle-testing for bio-feedback purposes related to client education.
I act in a manner which reflects my respect and esteem for my clients, students and colleagues.
I take responsibility for my continued growth and development.
I work with my clients in integrity and uphold professional confidentiality.
I do not diagnose, prescribe or treat unless I have a license to do so.
I use muscle-testing for bio-feedback purposes related to client education.
I act in a manner which reflects my respect and esteem for my clients, students and colleagues.
I take responsibility for my continued growth and development.
Historie of IASK
IASK was founded in the USA in 1987 on the idea of creating a worldwide organisation for everybody working with the art of muscle testing / muscle monitoring. IASK is YOUR organisation.
In the Bylaws of IASK you will find this definition: “Specialized Kinesiology is the art of assessing the energetic systems of a person by using precision muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism. Using the same feedback and Specialized Kinesiology methods, a Specialized Kinesiologist
identifies appropriate protocols for promoting, restoring and maintaining balance within these energetic systems. The Practitioner uses an educational model to improve his/her clients’ awareness and willingness to foster their own wellbeing.”
As a group of IASK members wrote at the General Meeting in 2000 in Holland: “The abundance of knowledge and experience worldwide can, through sharing, become an invaluable source of productivity and creative growth. The members of IASK inspire and enrich each other in their own personal development and professional work.”
By reading this you might feel encouraged to register as an IASK member. We suggest that you do so either as a regular member, an associate member or a supporting member. You can get all the details on the page “Join us” and the Membership form and Code of Ethics from the “Downloads” page. You just need to send us your information and the signed “Code of Ethics” together with your payment, and you will receive a membership certificate from the IASK Home office! Easy!
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you and your friends as members.
In the Bylaws of IASK you will find this definition: “Specialized Kinesiology is the art of assessing the energetic systems of a person by using precision muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism. Using the same feedback and Specialized Kinesiology methods, a Specialized Kinesiologist
identifies appropriate protocols for promoting, restoring and maintaining balance within these energetic systems. The Practitioner uses an educational model to improve his/her clients’ awareness and willingness to foster their own wellbeing.”
As a group of IASK members wrote at the General Meeting in 2000 in Holland: “The abundance of knowledge and experience worldwide can, through sharing, become an invaluable source of productivity and creative growth. The members of IASK inspire and enrich each other in their own personal development and professional work.”
By reading this you might feel encouraged to register as an IASK member. We suggest that you do so either as a regular member, an associate member or a supporting member. You can get all the details on the page “Join us” and the Membership form and Code of Ethics from the “Downloads” page. You just need to send us your information and the signed “Code of Ethics” together with your payment, and you will receive a membership certificate from the IASK Home office! Easy!
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you and your friends as members.